Two weeks ago began the start of a new chapter in my life.  I’m writing it down because I believe in order to make something happen, you have to “verbalize” it.  It sounds so very New Age, but there is something that happens when you put a vision out into the universe.  It’s bound to come true because you’ve taken it from just an idea in your mind to a living, breathing reality.

To get a sense of where I want to go, it’s important to understand where I’ve been.  I blew out my ACL in my Senior year of college, and my playing days were cut short, shorter than I had anticipated.  All through my volleyball career I was asked to put on muscle, to gain any kind of weight, and it was a struggle for me.  I hated being so skinny, and I can distinctly remember telling my WKU strength and conditioning coach that when I graduated I was never going to work out again and let myself get as fat as possible.  Remember what I just said about putting things out into the universe?  Just a few months after I spoke those words, the inside of my knee was blown into a million little pieces and I was done.  Rehab became the order of the day, and then there was a wedding, followed by a pregnancy, which obviously led to motherhood.  The point being, my personal health slipped from being the focus of my day to being very, very far down the list of priorities.

That brings us to today.  If you read my post last week, you know God has put some things in my path that could drag me down if I let it.  I’m going to choose to channel that negative energy into something positive.  I’m going to sweat and run and jump until it doesn’t hurt as badly.  For the first time in a long time, whether I am happy about it or not, no one is depending on my body for anything.  Cora is weaned from breastfeeding, and I have to accept the fact that I’m not expecting right now.  I have decided to choose now to make a positive change that has been a long time coming.  Want to join me?  Here’s my plan:

1) THE GOAL: Get In Shape For Kelsey’s Wedding

My sister is getting married May 31st, so my goal is to lose 20 lbs by then.  I realize this is an ambitious number, but it would be really close to my “I feel good about myself” weight.  It’s not my college weight, but I’ve accepted the fact that the days of thighs that don’t touch are probably in the past. 🙂  I also have a dress fitting in April, so I’m pushing myself to see how well that bridesmaid’s dress fits by then.  It’s not just about the number, so I’ve taken “Before” pictures so I can truly see the “After”.

2) THE DIET: Cut out processed carbs and sweets.

So far it’s been surprising to me how relatively easy this has been.  My friend Chelsea came in the day before I started and completely cleaned out my pantry of all the bad stuff.  We still have bread and cereal in the house for Orlando and Cora, but so far I’ve only longingly smelled the bread, not eaten it. 🙂  She also took me grocery shopping and we stocked up my refrigerator with fresh produce.  I allowed myself some whole grain rice today since it is my cheat day, but other than that I’ve been sticking to fruits, veggies, protein shakes, chicken, salmon, etc. to survive.  I’m also still allowing myself dairy like cheese and yogurt, but I’ve cut out whole cow’s milk in favor of almond milk.

3) THE WORKOUT: T25 and Pilates

Chelsea has also gotten me into a routine doing T25 workouts during my lunch breaks, and I have to say I have a love/hate relationship with it.  I love it because I have no excuse not to find 25 minutes in my day, but I hate it because it kicks my you-know-what, even in that short amount of time.  I’m doing Pilates Reformer classes two times a week on top of that, which I LOVE because they are this fantastic combination of relaxing and intense.  Kind of like yoga’s evil twin sister.

So that’s it, my friends, that’s what I will be up to for the next 3 months or so, and then I know this will lead to an overall healthier pattern for my life from here on out.  I’m eating the words I spoke to my trainer so very long ago.  I don’t want to stop working out and I definitely don’t want to let myself go.  And I definitely don’t mean that in just a physical sense.  Because as selfish and vain as it might seem, I know I am a happier person, more loving wife, more patient mother, if I look in the mirror and like what I see.  Let me know if you have any thoughts for improvement to my plan, or if you want to tag along for the ride!





P.S. I’m using My Fitness Pal and My Diet Coach apps on my iPhone and they have been a HUGE help so far.  I highly recommend if you’re trying to get in shape.  I also can’t say enough about my friend Chelsea’s efforts in getting my nutrition and workout routine back on track.  She can do personal training online so if anyone is interested, let me know!