
Dear Issa,

Tomorrow you will be six months old! You’re about to have your first taste of food, and I cannot wait to see your reactions.  I have a feeling you are going to love it, you may never want to stop! I think we’ll try some avocado to start out, and don’t worry, I’ll take video of the whole thing.  It’s a big new world for you full of new flavors, but I’m pretty sure you’ll still prefer mama over anything else.  It will just be nice for me to have an option besides myself to nourish you.  Or at least occupy a little bit of your time. 🙂


In other news, this past month you have accomplished some BIG milestones! You’re officially sitting up on your own, and you are right on the cusp of crawling! You prop yourself up and can pretty much roll around or scoot to wherever you want to get to, especially if you’re after a particular toy or Frenchie to give her tail a good yank.  It’s amazing to see you discovering that you can independently move around.  Once again it’s a wide, wondrous world for you to explore all of a sudden.  And oh what fun it is!


You took a trip to Mexico City to see Daddy play basketball this past month as well, and this photo was taken in our friends’ house.  You were such a great traveler the whole trip, but you did catch a little bit of a cold with the rainy weather there.  Never mind that though, you still kept your sunny disposition no matter how you were feeling.  Now that you’re more mobile you’re seldom happy to be laying down or sitting still, so we have to constantly give you some time on a blanket to burn off your amazing energy!

It’s such a blessing to see you developing your own personality, and to see you become more aware of your surroundings.  Just within the past few weeks you’ve started to fuss if I’m out of your sight for too long, and you have become even more interested in watching your big sister’s antics.  She can always make you laugh no matter what, and she adores you to pieces.  I can’t wait to see what this next month holds for you, so many exciting changes are on the horizon! I love you to the moon and back, my little one.

