
Dear Issa,

Today you are one month old! I tried to get a cute picture of you smiling for this post, but you are just the sleepiest little thing! You’ve made this first month fly by because you’re the calmest, easiest baby ever.  I can’t believe I was so terrified of going from one kid to two, because you’ve made it a breeze.

Just last night I was holding you after a midnight feeding and breathing in your new baby smell.  You are quite the grunter, tooter, and you never stop moving if you’re actually awake.  I can’t believe how strong you are too, already holding your head up and arching your back if you’re on your tummy.  We were just laying there, getting you settled back down to sleep, and you let out two huge burps, followed by a third that had a little surprise at the end of it.  That “surprise” went running all the way down the front of my shirt, onto my shorts, on your onesie, just about everywhere.  It was one of those moments where I just had to laugh because it was so unfortunate.  Don’t worry though, we got you all cleaned up and right back to bed.

I just want you to know you can spit up on me anytime.  Well, maybe not anytime, but the point is I’ll love you no matter what.  If you spit up on me when you’re one month old, if you throw a tantrum when you’re three, if you get a speeding ticket when you’re sixteen, no matter what.  There is nothing you could ever do or say to make me love you less.  I promise.  Happy one month birthday, my baby.

