IMG_2508Dear Issa,

Yesterday you turned eight months old! You may as well be 15 already, because you are this close to walking and you learned how to give high fives last week! WOO! Granted, they are the slowest high fives in the world, but darn it they’re cute.  You’ve also started climbing to the very top of the stairs when I turn my back for five seconds, which is simultaneously a very proud and terrifying moment for me as a mom.  I think you’re picking up on things much faster because you have your big sister to emulate, but it is making my wrinkles appear much faster as well.  So could you slow down on the whole growing up thing, please?

You’re still eating and nursing like a champ, and despite having two teeth on bottom now you’ve only bit me a few times.  I tell you what though, those suckers are sharp so if we could nip that habit in the bud that would be fantastic as well.  You like eating green beans, broccoli, bananas, apricots, yogurt, pretty much anything we’ve ever put in front of you.  And you get FEISTY at dinner time if we sit you at the high chair but don’t let you sample whatever we’re having.  Most of the time it’s difficult to tell you “no” because you’re just so excited to try new foods, but of course there are still a few things that are off limits.


In a not so stellar parenting moment this past month, you discovered the dog bowls, so that’s been interesting trying to keep you from eating dog food anytime I set you down in the kitchen.  I understand that the perfectly sized pieces are super fascinating, but please believe me when I tell you it’s not good for you.  We also discovered this month that you love the swings at the park, and you’ve taken a few solo trips down the tiniest slide as well.  Your big sister loves being able to play with you more now as well, and she is constantly trying to carry you everywhere with her.  You two have quite the love affair going on already, and it’s adorable to watch.  As always, we love you to the moon and back little one, thank you for lighting up our lives!


