
Dear Sisters,

A few months ago we were talking about earrings…maybe it was what kind of earrings you were going to wear for Kelsey’s wedding, I can’t remember.  Anyways, one of you said you didn’t want to wear a pair of big chandelier earrings because you’d heard that wearing heavy earrings will eventually make your earlobes droopy in your advanced age.  At the time, I think we all just chuckled and picked some stud earrings for you, but for whatever reason that conversation has stuck with me for some time now.

I think what struck me was that of all the issues with aging, droopy earlobes were one of your biggest concerns.  I’m only a few years down the road from where you are now, but I can tell you a lot more gets droopy than just your earlobes.  Add having babies to the mix, and your body starts to feel like melting candle wax rather than the taut youthfulness you’re enjoying now.  And yes, it’s important to take care of yourself.  Wear sunscreen, moisturize, take vitamins, eat healthy, drink lots of water, and exercise.  Not just to look better longer, but to feel better.  To have the energy to accomplish what you want in life.

Here’s what I don’t want you to do though.  Don’t miss out on great things in life because you’re afraid of a wrinkle here or there.  Never let the fear of aging keep you from LIVING.  Droopy earlobes are the least of your concerns.  Wear the biggest, craziest, most fantastic earrings you want because life is too short to only wear studs.  Eat dessert, go to the beach, and forget to wash your makeup off your face at night every once in awhile because the day was too full of fabulous for you to remember before you fall asleep, exhausted and happy.  And make sure you choose a life partner who understands that wrinkles are badges of honor, not something to be ashamed of.

We are all going to get old.  We are all going to die.  The difference is some people will make the most of life while others watch it pass them by for fear they might get hurt, or that a bad experience may mar their perfect skin.  I want you to choose the former, dear sisters.  I want you to treat yourselves well, but I want you to do that in every sense of the phrase, not just the physical.  If you can do that then we’ll inevitably grow old together, but making the memories along the way that will mean far more than any well-preserved earlobe ever could.  And our radiance will shine not from flawless pores, but from a life well lived and an adventurous spirit that was never slowed down by how many birthdays have passed.  I love you, sisters.  Thanks for listening to the ramblings of your older (but not old) sister.