9 ways being a college athlete prepares you for motherhood

The older I get, the more my life as a volleyball player seems further and further away.  There are still moments, however, when I realize that who I am as a mother has been shaped by my time on the court.  How could it not, with all the hours I spent there throughout elementary, high school, and college?  It’s really quite hilarious how much who I am as a mom is shaped by who I was as an athlete.  See if these apply to you too.

1. You’re clutch under pressure.

You’ve got four minutes to change a diaper, put on your makeup, and get out the door.  No problem, you used to run 400 meters in that amount of time.

2. You’re not scared of pain.

What do you mean breastfeeding hurts? Have you ever slid into home on a bruised thigh with scratches all down your leg? That’s pain.  Cracked nipples are nothing.

3. Sleeping in is for the weak.

Baby wants to wake up at 6:30 am, which is bliss for you since weights used to start at 5:00 am.  Chug some Muscle Milk and let’s get this show on the road.

4. You can party all night and then work hard all day.

And by party, I mean pacing the nursery with a screaming infant in your arms.  But it doesn’t matter, the next morning you’ve got to suck it up and carry on anyways.  Just like you used to go out on a Friday night and be ready for two-a-days on Saturday morning.

5. You know how to ask for help when you need it.

If you couldn’t get a skill down, you practiced and practiced until it was perfect.  You came in for extra reps with your trainer.  And you weren’t afraid to acknowledge your mistakes.  So now, if you’re not the best mom you can be, you’re going to search for answers until you find a solution. Temper tantrums and picky eaters are no match for you.

6. Your coach taught you the ultimate stare down.

Remember that feeling after you made a stupid move on the court and you could just feel your coach burning a hole in your back from the sidelines? Now your kid feels it at the playground when he throws sand in the other kids’ faces.  Beware the wrath of an athlete-turned-mom.

7. You can puke and rally.

When the whole family’s down and out with the flu, you’re not even phased.  You once threw up into the bleachers and finished your suicide sprints anyways.

8. Power lifting makes carrying kids a piece of cake.

When you used to max out squatting twice your own body weight, carrying a sleeping toddler from the car to the house is nothing.  Shoot, add on some groceries and a diaper bag while you’re at it.

9. You’re good at what you do, no matter what it is.

That competitive nature in you will never, ever die.  So whether you’re aiming for an undefeated season or a spotless potty training record, you’re going to kick butt.  You’re going to be the best dang mom, athlete, career woman, whatever.  Just because you set your mind to it.


What would you add to the list?!